Waters, Thomas (Writer of detective fiction)


著者の属性 個人
一般注記 Works by this author are identified by the name used in the item. For a listing of other names used by this author, search also under: William Russell, Esq
His Autobiography of an English detective, 1863
His The recollections of a policeman, 1852: t.p. (Thomas Waters, an inspector of the London Detective Corps)
MoSU-L/NLT files (hdg.: Russell, William, miscellaneous writer; usage: Waters; William Russell, Esq.)
His Strange stories of a detective, 1863: t.p. (Retired member of the detective police)
Formerly on undifferentiated name authority record: n 50052986
SRC:英国古典推理小説集 / 佐々木徹編訳(岩波書店, 2023.4): p [44] (ウォーターズ (Waters) ... ウィリアム・ラッセルなるジャーナリスト(生没年不明)の筆名というのがもっとも有力な説である)
から見よ参照 Retired member of the detective police
コード類 典拠ID=Z100001774  NCID=DB00059645
1 英国古典推理小説集 / 佐々木徹編訳 東京 : 岩波書店 , 2023.4